The steps in fire-protection surveys.
Risk plan
The risk plan defines the risks and protection zones. It includes several documents to be displayed in the technical rooms. The risk plan is drawn up before any other survey is carried out.
Hydraulic diagram
This is the heart of the installation. It is used for technical support throughout the design phase and during site maintenance operations.
Civil engineering guide plans for technical rooms and buried networks
This survey aligns the geometric requirements of the installations with the architectural and technical constraints of the building, such as pump rooms, control rooms, internal and external tanks, and underground networks. Everything is mapped on this plan to accommodate future installations.
Piping plan for technical rooms
The piping plan is used when installing the system and for subsequent maintenance. It is drawn up in collaboration with the installer, in line with their operating methods, to optimise manufacturing and installation costs.
Assembly and detail plans
The implementation survey concerns the works schedule, assembly constraints, and regulatory standards. The main objective is to ensure that the plans are legible and easy to understand for the prefabrication teams and the approval committee. The second objective relates to assembly difficulties, worker safety, and costs.
Hydraulic calculations
These are necessary to size the installation. They take the specifications and the constraints of the survey into account. They accurately specify pipe diameters, tank volumes, and pump features.
Follow-up and project delivery
These two aspects are key to a well-coordinated and easy-to-follow survey that allows us to respond quickly to the requirements of the worksite.
Fire protection and safety system.

The water source
- The capacity of the water reserve is sufficient to supply the fire-fighting networks.The regulatory capacity generally relates to 90-minute operations.
- A diesel or electric pump delivers the water required for fire protection. Hydraulic calculations are used to define the specifications of the pump which runs totally independently, even in the event of a power cut.
The control station
- The control station plays a vital role when a sprinkler head is triggered. It activates an alarm and reports the incident to a surveillance company who alerts the emergency services. It also locates the area where the fire has broken out.
The installation
- A sprinkler network is maintained under constant water pressure (or air pressure if there is a risk of freezing) of an average of 7 to 12 bar. The network is sized according to hydraulic calculations to cover the regulation-defined risks. When the temperature reaches a certain threshold, the bulb or fuse in the sprinkler head breaks. The sprinklers located above the area affected by the rise in temperature then release the quantity of water required to extinguish the fire.

Our technology
BIM (Building Information Modeling)
BIM is a method for sharing data between the different parties involved in a construction project, using a « smart » 3D model.It enables errors to be anticipated and corrected during the design phase, and it can be used to prepare the implantation plans.
What difference does it make for you?With a digital model, you can:
– Develop your production unit while keeping costs under control
– Manage upcoming projects thanks to the interactivity of the BIM tools
– Carry out preventive maintenance
The software

Revit is a Computer-Aided Design software package for buildings. It is also a BIM software.

Autocad is a computer-aided drafting program used mainly for creating 2D plans.
This software enables your plans to be saved and constantly updated in order to guarantee the high level of accuracy necessary for your future projects.



Vos contacts NENYO pour vos études d’exécution en protection incendie

Office Manager
Natatcha trained as an architect. She had a junior-architect role for a few years and worked for various firms as an architect, in the Liege region (Belgium), before joining NENYO in 2021.

Paris Branch Manager
Having worked in the world of fire protection for 20 years, Sandra knows her stuff! She began a 17-year journey with major fire-protection installation firms as a design-office assistant, then a technical assistant, a designer-draftswoman, and project manager, before integrating NENYO in 2020.